Thursday, September 25, 2008


All your questions on bras ANSWERED!!

Q: "Can i machine wash my underwired bras? How do i maintain their shape?"

A: It is a BIG No No to machine wash and scrubbing at all cost! Instead, soak the lingerie in cold water for not more than FIVE minutes, and rub lightly if it is soiled. Pay attention to how you hang it too. A common mistake is to hang it by the strap. This will cause the bra to lose its shape in the long run! Instead, let it hang by the centre. To dry, simply hang the bra in a windy place, away from direct sunlight which may lead to awful dicolourations!

Nutz/Dex: Ingat sanang kan jaga bra supaya tahan lama? Sanang gi kain sutera.. antar ja ah dobi ehe...

Q: "What's the correct way to measure my bra size?"

A: Understand what the measurements mean.
- The number reders to your body size.
- The alphabet refers to your cup size.

To determine the former, measure your underbust (the area right below your breasts). If it is measures 68cm to 72cm, you should look out for a body size of 70. Alternatively, if your underbust is between 73cm to 77cm, your body size is 75cm. The number is between!

For your cup size, simply measure your overbust and the difference over your underbust.
Cup A - Between 10cm to 12cm.
Cup B - Between 13cm to 14cm.
Cup C - Between 15cm to 17cm.

Nutz/Dex: Nah.. Tips nya. Hope it helps kamu2 yg nda tau size =)

Special thanks to TRIUMPH and Teenage Magazine =)